Click Select File or simply Drag & Drop
No signing-in or installation required
Try out our all-in-one PDF editor and converter!
Convert files for free with one click
No ads & no watermarks added to your documents
Compliant with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations and California Consumer Privacy Act
No computer on hand? Convert on mobile devices!
No internet? Use iScanner offline—install the mobile app
No registration or subscription required, nothing to cancel!
After using our PNG to DOC converter, you can download the file and share it however you want. You can also install iScanner on your iOS or Android device and use the Share option directly from the app.
Currently, iScanner only covers Word to JPG conversion. If this option suits your needs, simply navigate to the dedicated page of the Word to JPG web converter.
You can edit the downloaded DOC file in any text editor. Alternatively, you can first edit the appropriate data on your image via an image editor and then convert the file to DOC.
Want to know how to convert a PNG to Word? Try iScanner and its PNG to Word converter! You’ll be able to convert PNG to DOC in just a couple of clicks. Just select the file and upload it on this website. Then, you’ll be able to download the converted file!
You can make only one photo to document conversion for free. If you want to access unlimited conversions, sign up to iScanner. The size of the original file should not exceed 200 MB.
No, the quality will remain the same and you’ll be able to work with the DOC file seamlessly.