Compress PDF file

Select a file or drop it here.

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How to Compress PDF Files

Select a document,
Upload it to the PDF compress feature,
Click Compress, and the compressed file will be downloaded to your device.

Compress PDF File in a Few Clicks—Fast and Easy!

Quick & Free

Reduce PDF size for free in a few clicks
No ads or watermarks will be added to your documents

Safe & Secure

Compliant with the California Consumer Privacy Act and EU’s General Data Protection Regulations

Versatile & Smooth

No computer on hand? Compress PDF free on mobile devices!
No internet? Use iScanner offline via the mobile app

No commitment

No registration or subscription required

How to Compress PDF: Additional Tips


Sign in to iScanner to keep your compressed PDFs organized. Plus, you can convert, split, and share your PDFs.


After using our PDF compress feature, you can download the file and share it however you want. Or install iScanner on your iOS or Android device and use the Share option directly from the app.


You can edit the compressed PDF file in any PDF editor or in iScanner.


How to compress PDF file

The PDF compress feature allows you to reduce PDF size effortlessly. If you want to know how to compress PDF files, iScanner’s web tools offer a simple and free solution: just upload the necessary PDF files, and with a few clicks, you will reduce their size! With our tool, you can compress PDF online in no time.

How to reduce PDF size

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to compress PDF online and without a subscription.
1. Сlick the Select PDF button.
2. Upload your file to compress PDF free.
3. Click Compress, and the file will be ready for download.
And if you don’t want to use your web browser, download our app for iOS or Android. It offers a number of helpful features, including the PDF compress tool. Just upload the file to the app, and iScanner will quickly compress a PDF file for you.