Merge PDFs

Select files or drop them here.

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How to Merge PDF Documents

Select PDFs you want to merge,
iScanner will instantly combine your PDFs into one file,
Reorder PDFs by drag-and-drop, then click Download.

Merge, Reorder, and Download—as Easy as 1,2,3!

Quick & Free

Merge files for free with one click
No ads & no watermarks added to your documents

Safe & Secure

Compliant with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations and California Consumer Privacy Act

Versatile & Smooth

No computer on hand? Merge on mobile devices!
No internet? Use iScanner offline—install the mobile app

No commitment

No registration or subscription required, nothing to cancel


How to merge PDF files

PDF merge involves combining multiple PDFs into one. If you want to know how to merge PDF files, iScanner Web offers a simple solution: the Merge PDF feature! Just upload the necessary files, and with a couple of clicks, you can merge PDF free—no account required!

How to combine PDF files without Adobe

Adobe Acrobat is a well-known computer program that allows you to merge PDF files, but it has some drawbacks—you need to install it on your device and pay for subscription. If you prefer to avoid this, you can use iScanner instead, as it allows you to merge PDF online free of cost. You won’t need to spend time installing software or pay to merge PDF files. It’s convenient and efficient!

How to merge 2 PDF files in one

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to merge PDF online.
1. To merge PDF documents, click the Select PDFs button and upload the files you need.
2. Reorder the files or add some new ones.
3. Click Merge, and your merged file will be ready for download.
And if you don’t want to use your web browser, download our app for iOS or Android. It has a number of helpful features, and PDF merge is one of them. Just upload the file you need to the app, and iScanner will quickly merge PDF free.