Click Select File or simply Drag & Drop
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Convert files for free with one click
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To avoid the need to convert HEIC to PNG, download iScanner on your iOS device instead. There, you can scan whatever you like and save it as an editable PNG file with just a few taps.
You can edit the downloaded PNG file in any image editor. Alternatively, you can first edit your HEIC file and then convert HEIC to PNG to receive the updated version of the file.
Want to know how to convert HEIC to PNG? Try iScanner and its HEIC to PNG converter! You’ll be able to convert from HEIC to PNG in just a couple of clicks. Just select the file and upload it on this website. Then, you will be able to download the converted file!
HEIC is an image format used on iPhones, and finding free tools to convert HEIC to PNG can be challenging. Fortunately, with iScanner’s Web Tools converting HEIC to PDF is no longer a problem. Plus, apart from HEIC to PNG converter, they support a wide range of other file formats. And if you don’t want to use your web browser, download our app for iOS. It has a number of helpful features, and a file converter is one of them. Just upload the file you need to the app, and iScanner will quickly convert it!