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Hello paperless enthusiasts!

I'm Treeno, and I'm here to help you
keep an eye on your less committed friends and colleagues who tend to overprint!

Together, we can accomplish so much more! And it's going to be fun!

I'm in!

Check out your paperless memes kit.

Use them to spread the message and poke those who are still not on a paperless journey. Treeno relies on you!


See your impact with every scan you take

Starting this April, check your personal contribution to a paperless world and win paperless badges in iScanner.

  • Every time you export a digital document instead of printing it, Treeno calculates its impact on saving trees.

  • The formula is simple: One A4 sheet is 13-21 grams of wood, and one small tree can produce 4000 sheets of paper.

  • So, Treeno sums up the sheets you scan and export, turning them into parts of a tree that are saved, from small leaves to twigs to branches, and finally, to the whole young tree.

  • Track your progress with eco-widgets and share your badges to inspire others!

woodman leaf

How can I print less?

Use iScanner free tools to:

  • eSign digitally
  • Annotate PDF digitally
  • Reuse PDF
  • Export PDFs in seconds
    as files or links

Try mindful printing practices:

  • Print on both sides
  • Print in color only when needed
  • Track your printing to understand your consumption
  • Take a moment to recognise the necessity before you print
leaf leaf

Remember, you're not alone on this journey!

Check out inspiring messages from our users!

  • "You know, if you're still dealing with paper documents and your company is still dealing with paper documents, you're gonna be sort of left behind by the market and by your competitors."
    alternative investment specialist
  • “I'II do strongly believe that we need to change the habits of using paper, because paper comes from a natural resource. I think a virtual document has much less pollutants in that sense of the word.”
    small business owner
  • “One paper less every now and then is an asset. I have a dream: a paperless society to free up space that paper takes up a big part in occupying. Second step could easily be jumped into after that; less furniture that will make way for a great empty, vacant space to move in easily, freely and happily. Good luck.”
    Ahmad Moussa
  • “This app has helped me go paperless and switch to a digital format for my voice studio. I can easily share documents with students or save them to Google Docs or OneDrive. I love it and highly recommend it!”
    Alicia Marie Suschena,